We can scarcely believe that 2024--our Debut Book Launch Year--is finally here! Please mark your calendars, and return to celebrate as we throw Book Launch Parties for every one of our seven books as they become available!
Get ready for some 2024 FUN!
January 2
Diana Ma's THE UNBEATABLE LILY HONG releases from Clarion Books
Order HERE
March 2
Anna Lapera's MANI SEMILLA FINDS HER QUETZAL VOICE debuts with Levine Querido
Preorder HERE
April 2
Mónica Mancilla's SING IT LIKE CELIA publishes with Penguin Workshop
Preorder HERE
April 2
Deborah Lakritz's THINGS THAT SHIMMER comes out from Kar-Ben Publishing
Preorder HERE
May 7
Ritu Hemnani's LION OF THE SKY publishes with Balzer + Bray, a HarperCollins imprint
Preorder HERE
August 6
Dionna L. Mann's MAMA'S CHICKEN & DUMPLINGS publishes with Margaret Ferguson Books, an imprint of Holiday House Books
Preorder HERE
October 22
Jennifer Ann Richter's BIRD NERD launches with Holiday House Books
Preorder HERE