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The 24/7s Welcome You!

Updated: Feb 3, 2023

Welcome to our blog, The 24/7s, where seven kidlit authors, a diverse bunch, with middle-grade books debuting in 2024, are celebrating their book releases as a group.

The 24/7 bookshelf includes both historical and contemporary fiction novels. All have humor and heart. All are written to delight young readers, ages 8-12, from all walks of life. All inspire hope and encourage love for neighbor.

Throughout 2023, we'll share what inspired us to write our stories, how our revision process is going, and what our book launch plans include. In 2024, we'll throw Book Launch Parties, host giveaways, and share celebratory news like starred reviews and (hopefully!) book-award wins.

We hope you'll join us in the fun by visiting our blog regularly, by commenting on our blog posts, by sharing our posts on your social media pages, and by following us on Twitter @KidLit247s!

We, The 24/7s, thank you for stopping by!


Anna, Deborah, Diana, Dionna, Jennifer Ann, Mónica, and Ritu

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